Huang Feihong Crispy Chili Peppers are a flavorful and spicy addition to any dish. This 308g pack is filled with high-quality, crispy chili peppers for an authentic taste.
Wang Vegetable Spring Rolls are a frozen, ready-to-cook Asian appetizer filled with a variety of fresh vegetables.Each 680g pack offers convenience and authentic taste, perfect for quick meals or party...
TianShun Mini Pork Soup Dumplings are bite-sized, frozen dumplings filled with savory pork and rich broth.Easy to prepare and perfect for a quick, satisfying meal or appetizer, they offer authentic...
Ganyuan Original Flavor Green Peas are a tasty and nutritious snack, packed in a 75g bag. They offer the authentic, natural taste of green peas for a healthy and satisfying...
Amoy Shrimp Shumai Dumplings are a frozen delicacy, packed with succulent shrimp encased in a delicate wrapper. Each 120g pack offers a convenient and quick-to-prepare gourmet experience right at home.
Baozi King Shanghai Soup Dumplings are frozen, ready-to-heat dumplings filled with a savory soup and meat. At 600g per pack, they offer a convenient and authentic taste of Shanghai cuisine.
A pack of five Maruchan Udon Noodles, frozen for freshness and convenience. Each pack weighs 1.25kg, providing a hearty and authentic Japanese meal experience.