Haidilao Chef's Choice Rich Tomato Soup Base is a flavorful and convenient option for creating delicious hot pot broth at home. Each pack contains 240g of soup base, with 4...
Enjoy the authentic taste of Japanese miso soup with Hikari Instant Miso Soup Wakame. This 216g pack contains 12 individual servings, each filled with the rich flavors of wakame seaweed...
Enjoy the delicious and convenient Suber Laver-Egg Soup, perfect for a quick and satisfying meal. Each pack contains a blend of nutritious laver and egg, providing a rich and flavorful...
Enhance your homemade soups with Seah's Nutritious Black Chicken Soup Spices, a 32g pack of carefully selected herbs and spices.This blend includes Chinese Angelica, Chuanxiong Rhizome, Wolfberry Fruit, Longan Aril,...
Enjoy the comforting taste of Subo Spinach Egg Soup, a quick and easy meal solution. Each pack contains 4 servings of 8g, perfect for a light and nutritious snack or...
Enjoy the comforting taste of Suber Tomato-Egg Soup, a quick and easy meal solution. Each pack contains four servings of delicious soup, perfect for a warm and satisfying treat.Product Highlights:...
Enjoy the delightful taste of Suber Pakchoi-Egg Soup, a convenient and delicious instant soup option. Each pack contains 4 servings of 8g, perfect for a quick and satisfying meal.Product Highlights:...
Experience the rich and savory flavors of Daisho Crab Miso Hot Pot Soup Base, perfect for creating a delicious and authentic hot pot meal at home.This 750g pack is infused...
Enjoy the rich and savory taste of Haitian Fresh Chicken Soup with Old Hen. This 480g pack is crafted with premium ingredients, providing a delicious and nourishing soup experience.Product Highlights:...
Enjoy the rich and creamy taste of Pokka Sapporo Sweet Potato Potage Soup, available in a convenient pack of 3, totaling 63.9g.This delicious soup is made with sweet potato powder...