S&B Golden Curry, Extra Spicy, 198g - A flavorful and aromatic Japanese curry mix with an extra kick of spice, perfect for adding heat to your favorite dishes.Easy to prepare...
Lao Gan Ma Flavoured Soybean Oil with Hot Chilli 280g - A spicy and flavorful soybean oil infused with hot chilli, perfect for adding a kick to your dishes. Made...
A popular Chinese chili sauce made with fermented soybeans and chili peppers, known for its spicy and savory flavor profile. Perfect for adding a kick to stir-fries, noodles, and marinades.Imported...
A versatile seafood sauce made by Lee Kum Kee, perfect for enhancing the flavor of various seafood dishes. It adds a savory and umami-rich taste to your cooking.Great for stir-fries,...
Xinhe Doubanjiang (Broad Bean Paste) 800g - A traditional Chinese condiment made from fermented broad beans and chili peppers, adding a rich umami flavor and spicy kick to stir-fries, marinades,...
A vibrant and zesty chili sauce made with light yellow lantern chilies, perfect for adding a kick of flavor to your dishes. Comes in a convenient 150g size for easy...
Chuan Nan Spicy Chili Oil is a 326g bottle of fiery and flavorful chili oil, perfect for adding a kick to your favorite dishes. Made with high-quality ingredients, this chili...
Lee Kum Kee Chaozhou Style Chili Oil is a spicy and flavorful condiment made with high-quality ingredients, perfect for adding a kick to your favorite dishes. It adds a delicious...
A flavorful and spicy marinade sauce made with aged ingredients, perfect for adding a kick to your favorite dishes. Convenient 120g size for easy storage and use in various recipes.