A flavorful and savory marinade made with soy sauce, perfect for marinating chicken before cooking.Enhances the taste of your dishes with a rich umami flavor and authentic Asian-inspired ingredients.
Lee Kum Kee Steamed Fish Soy Sauce is a savory and aromatic sauce perfect for enhancing the flavor of steamed fish dishes. Made with high-quality ingredients, this sauce adds a...
Lee Kum Kee Old Village Premium Oyster Sauce 255g - A high-quality oyster sauce made with premium ingredients, perfect for adding rich umami flavor to stir-fries, marinades, and other Asian...
A high-quality soy sauce made from premium ingredients, perfect for adding depth and umami flavor to your dishes. This 380ml bottle is versatile and can be used in a variety...
Xinhe June Fresh Premium Soy Sauce 1L - A high-quality soy sauce made from premium ingredients, perfect for adding rich umami flavor to your favorite dishes.Experience the authentic taste of...