Haidilao Chef's Choice Rich Tomato Soup Base is a flavorful and convenient option for creating delicious hot pot broth at home. Each pack contains 240g of soup base, with 4...
Enjoy the delicious and convenient Suber Laver-Egg Soup, perfect for a quick and satisfying meal. Each pack contains a blend of nutritious laver and egg, providing a rich and flavorful...
Enhance your homemade soups with Seah's Nutritious Black Chicken Soup Spices, a 32g pack of carefully selected herbs and spices.This blend includes Chinese Angelica, Chuanxiong Rhizome, Wolfberry Fruit, Longan Aril,...
Enjoy the comforting taste of Subo Spinach Egg Soup, a quick and easy meal solution. Each pack contains 4 servings of 8g, perfect for a light and nutritious snack or...
Enjoy the comforting taste of Suber Tomato-Egg Soup, a quick and easy meal solution. Each pack contains four servings of delicious soup, perfect for a warm and satisfying treat.Product Highlights:...
Enjoy the delightful taste of Suber Pakchoi-Egg Soup, a convenient and delicious instant soup option. Each pack contains 4 servings of 8g, perfect for a quick and satisfying meal.Product Highlights:...
Experience the rich and savory flavors of Daisho Crab Miso Hot Pot Soup Base, perfect for creating a delicious and authentic hot pot meal at home.This 750g pack is infused...
Enjoy the rich and creamy flavor of Pokka Sapporo Squash Cream Soup, conveniently packed in a 51g cup.This delicious soup features the natural sweetness of squash, blended into a smooth...
Enjoy the rich and creamy taste of Pokka Sapporo Broccoli Cheese Potage, conveniently packed in a 43g cup.This delicious soup combines the flavors of three types of cheese with fresh...
Enjoy the rich and creamy taste of Pokka Sapporo Sweet Potato Potage Soup, available in a convenient pack of 3, totaling 63.9g.This delicious soup is made with sweet potato powder...